Logistics, transport & packaging
By land, sea and air…

It goes without saying that we provide the necessary lifting equipment, portals, mobile cranes, forklifts and tool containers for professional installation. Normal and special transports by road, sea or air for new installations or machine displacements are also included in our services.

In other words: the systems are ready for use when handed over to operator.

Logistics is essential.
Today, well organized logistics are becoming increasingly a success factor, especially in the displacement of machines

Here again, we are able to demonstrate our strengths:
We provide the required goods, services and information
at the right time, in the right quality and at optimum cost.
We manage interface and coordination problems.
We organize transport, handling and storage processes.
We have the necessary vehicles available.
We pack your machines professionally for land,
air and sea transport.

We supply custom-made work – reliably, quickly, flexibly.
You can rely on us.